Procurement Card (PCard)
The Procurement Card, a commercial MasterCard, is used by authorized University employees to make small dollar purchases, generally $3,000 or less, from approved merchants. The authorized Cardholder purchases on behalf of Colorado State University, with tax-exempt status, and transactions are paid directly by the University to the issuing bank.
PCARD is used for the purchase of both goods and services when the use of an Automatic Purchase Order (APO) or Disbursement Voucher (DV) is not viable. Employee use of the Procurement Card is governed by the Procurement Card Program Handbook.
Overview of PCard Program
- Each University corporate liability issued credit card has the CSU name/logo in addition to the name of the Cardholder (faculty/staff)
- Cardholder buys something with the card and gets a receipt
- Merchant sends transaction to bank electronically for collection
- Bank sends transaction data to CSU daily
- Transactions are fed into the Kuali Financial System (with default account/object code)
- Kuali Financial System sends an email notification of each transaction to the Cardholder and assigned “Reallocator”
- Meanwhile, the Cardholder notes accounting information on the receipt and gives it to the assigned Reallocator
- Reallocator reviews transactions on the Kuali Financial System and receipt information to change account/object code, if necessary
- Fiscal Officer reviews and approves Kuali document
- Cardholders will review monthly bank statements, sign, and give to their Reallocator
- Reallocators forward statements to the Approving Official
- Approving Official reviews statement and receipts and signs
- Statements are filed in the department
PCard Training
Become Certified
- Cardholders are required to complete an online PCard Cardholder Training Certification course and quiz (RamCT Blackboard course) in order to become certified and receive their card.
- New Cardholders receive instructions for using RamCT Blackboard once the PCard Office receives their Cardholder Account Form.
Direct any questions to the PCARD Help Desk.
Quick Guide
This quick reference guide for the most commonly asked PCard questions. The PCard Quick Guide is not intended to replace the Cardholder’s review of the entire PCard Program Handbook.
PCard Help Desk
Phone: (970) 491-5752
Send Completed PCard Forms
- Email PCard forms using University Approved electronic signatures to the PCard Help Desk
Request a PCard
Request a new PCard for a Cardholder, for changes to Cardholder information (i.e. to change number of transactions and spending limits, to change default account numbers, to change Approving Official or Reallocator, etc.), or to notify PCard Administration that a card should be cancelled.
Certification of Lost Receipt or Unavailable Documentation
Cardholders complete this form when they are unable to provide the required merchant receipt or transaction documentation. Repeated use of this form by a Cardholder who routinely does not obtain or retain merchant documentation should be reported to PCard Administration. This form is required for any PCard transaction that is not accompanied by documentation from the merchant.
Violation Warning
Approvers are required to complete the Violation Warning form to document any Cardholder’s PCard transaction where a violation has occurred.